Roosmarijn Mascini and Wies Arts work together on narrative and experimental sound performances as the duo RoosWiesBlauw. In the beginning of 2016 they started the Hart Koor (Heart Choir) initiative.
The Hart Koor is open to everyone and consists of changeable group of people. This spring they've started to come together to rehearse on the first Hart Koor project: a series of narrative songs and voice experiments as part of the musical play: Het figuur waarvan het onmogelijk bleek de menselijke maat te nemen (The figure of which it seemed impossible to take the human scale).
Now the Koor continues as a space for musical and vocal experiment, but is also interested in combining these with image, physical movement, costume and performances on location.
Now the Koor continues as a space for musical and vocal experiment, but is also interested in combining these with image, physical movement, costume and performances on location.